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Phynix Gauges

Phynix Roughness tester TR-200


Phynix Roughness tester TR-200

Roughness tester with exchangeable probe

The TR 200 is a precision surface roughness tester with exchangeable probe for fast and accurate determination of surface roughness according to Ra, Ra and 11 more roughness parameters. Due to its small dimensions it can be used both in production and in the laboratory. The simple, menu-driven handling as well as high repeatability draw are key Features of the TR-200.

After pressing the start button the micro probe scans the surface within a few seconds and then immediately shows digitally in accordance with the preselected cut-off wavelength (cut-off length) either the Ra or Ry.

The graphic display Shows both the numerical values of the roughness and the material ratio curve. The measured data allows the calculation of 13 different roughness figures (Ra, Rz, Ry, Rq, Rt, Rp, Rmax, Rm, R3z, S, Sm, Sk, Tp).

Phynix Products

Phynix Roughness tester TR-200

Phynix Roughness tester TR-200 Roughness tester with exchangeable probe The TR 200 is a precision surface roughness tester with exchangeable probe for fast and accurate

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